Republic Day 2023
On the occasion of the 74th Republic Day, National Public School, Gopalapuram celebrated the event with great pomp and splendor this year. The festivities started from 20th January with various activities for Grades 3 to 7 (photo frame making craft, unity dolls, Scrap book about India, various tricolour craft) and inter-house competitions for Grades 8 and 9 -Rangoli on social issues and Food Mela (cuisines from different parts of the country) respectively. All the students participated with great enthusiasm.
The school celebrated the Republic Day in the school premises. Col Monesh Kumar Bathre, Director Recruiting, Dakshin Bharat Area, Chennai graced the occasion as Chief guest. The celebration started with the School prayer followed by welcome speech and Felicitation of the Chief Guest by the Principal. Col M K Bathre, unfurled the national flag and students from Grades 5 to 8 sang beautiful melodies in various Indian languages explaining the glory of National Flag and Motherland India. It was followed by a parade by the Scouts and Guides and the school band. Jishnu from Grade 6 took the Scout’s Motto. Grades 3 – 5 students were dressed up in different costumes representing the traditional dresses of the States of India, to highlight the diversity in our country. They also introduced themselves in the respective state language. Crafts made by children were put up on display.
The event then proceeded further by the motivational speech of the Chief Guest, which captivated and inspired the students. Prizes were distributed to the winners of various competitions. The celebration ended with the National Anthem.