Prayaag - Grades VII to XI

The theme of the Presentation Day for Grades VII to XI was “Bhavna” a spectacular visual treat with a flurry of emotions and feelings. The curtain raiser of the event was Jugalbandhi where the students performed a musical medley of classical and semi classical notes. After the Principal welcomed the gathering, the students performed the welcome dance in Sanskrit which was an invocation to the Almighty to bless everyone with good health and prosperity. The English Play “Inside Out” conveyed the emotions of a teenager as she struggles to cope with life. This was followed by a Choir and Tamil Drama. The Tamil Drama put on 2 plays both based on Justice. The Mime which revolved around women’s rights and equality had a strong message in a both fun and emotional way. The final dance by the Hindi Department was a tribute to our Motherland and brought the events of the day to an end.